Honey contains powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties that makes it a real ‘skin-saver’. Here’s why.
Honey promotes the skin’s healing process.
It is occlusive, which means it helps in trapping and locking in your skin’s natural moisture.
It removes toxic plugs and rejuvenates body tissues.
Honey acts as a natural cleanser& gently absorb impurities from skin.
It has both antibacterial & antifungal properties that promote healing & help treat skin infections.
It works as an antiseptic for the skin and helps treat acne.
Packed with antioxidants, it helps preserve your skin’s youthful appearance.
The anti-inflammatory properties of honey help in treating sunburn and reducing acne.
DOY Honey Glow Soap
DOY Honey Glow Face Wash
Choosing the right kind of honey for skincare
The ancient Egyptians were well aware of the powerful healing properties of honey. They used honey for both medicinal purposes and to enhance their beauty...
When it comes to using natural ingredients to enhance your beauty, HONEY is right at the top of our list! After all, most of us always have a jar of honey snuck away in the kitchen...